Skin Tags
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Psoriasis is one of the oldest skin conditions ever recorded. Plaque psoriasis is the most prevalent type and it is a rather irritating condition with the skin appearing reddish, inflamed and with patches of silvery-white scales. Below are a few home remedies you can try to manage your psoriasis:

1. Consume Omega-3 fatty acids- these are healthy fats that are known to fight inflammations.
2. Dietary Supplement- supplements can help with the cleansing process to get rid of toxins.
3. Consume Turmeric- it is known to effectively reduce certain inflammatory proteins.
4. Soak your body- taking a bath and frequently applying a wet towel compress helps to remove scales.
5. Light therapy- controlled sunlight is good for the skin due to the Vitamin D.

Of the many skin tag causes that are being studied nowadays, heredity is said to be the most common and prevalent of all. Obesity is also said to be one of the many reasons why skin tags appear. This is due to the fact that obese individuals have a tendency for their body parts to rub together and this causes the appearance of skin tags. Aside from that, it may also appear as a result of slimming or loss of weight especially with pregnant women.

Other causes of skin tags could be due to increased hormonal activity and the presence of outside microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria.
What is a hives rash? It is an infection that causes red patches on your skin which are very irritating and can further damage your skin through excessive scratching.

Hives can typically be treated with creams to relieve the itchy feeling and thus reducing the problem itself. You can also take various antihistamines such as Benadyrl to reduce the redness and itchiness, while combating whatever it is that is causing the allergic reaction/infection.